Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
GMT +2

Manifesto of Freedom for Legal Use of Crypto Assets

We, the people of the world, unite in this manifesto to proclaim the principles of freedom for the legal and legitimate use of crypto assets. We believe that every individual has the right to freedom of choice, privacy, and ownership. We recognize that cryptocurrencies represent a powerful means of achieving this freedom.

  • Right to Financial Freedom: Every individual has the right to freely manage their honestly acquired assets without undue restrictions or censorship.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: We acknowledge the right to privacy in financial transactions. Every individual has the right to anonymity and confidentiality in their legitimate transactions.
  • No Censorship: No central authority should have the ability to restrict or control our legitimate cryptocurrency transactions.
  • Accessibility and Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies should be accessible and understandable to everyone, regardless of their social status, nationality, or location.
  • Innovation and Development: We support innovations in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies that contribute to the improvement of our financial system and the enhancement of financial freedom.
  • Ownership and Control: Every individual has the right to ownership and control over their cryptocurrency assets without interference from third parties or organizations.
  • Global Nature: Cryptocurrencies know no borders and facilitate the creation of a global financial system free from geographical and political restrictions.
  • Education and Awareness: We support education and awareness about cryptocurrencies so that everyone can make informed decisions in the field of finance.

These principles form the foundation of our pursuit of free and legitimate cryptocurrency operations. We will defend these principles and strive for their implementation in our daily lives and in the world at large.

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