Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
GMT +2
Rates Current rates BTC $97659.57000   DASH $27.31000   DOGE $0.27530   ETH $2695.10000   LTC $133.45000   TRX $0.23610   USDT $1.00000  

Policies and regulations

This application contains regulations on payments, the minimum and maximum amounts for balance replenishment, fund withdrawals, and issued loans and pledges, as well as other critical financial information.

List of allowed currencies

Below is a list of cryptocurrencies available on the platform. For each, the name, common symbol, and logo image are provided. Additionally, information is included on whether the currency can be used as pawn or issued as a loan.

  Currency Name Currency Symbol Allowed for Pawn Allowed for Loan
Bitcoin BTC
Ethereum ETH
Litecoin LTC
DashPay DASH
Dogecoin DOGE

Deposit and Withdrawal Limits and regulations

Below is a list of cryptocurrencies available on the platform. For each, the name, common symbol, and logo image are provided. Additionally, information is included on whether the currency can be used as pawn or issued as a loan.

Balance replenishment limits (Deposit funds to your account)

Currency Min Amount Max Amount
Bitcoin (BTC) 0.00050000 BTC* 100.00000000 BTC
Ethereum (ETH) 0.01000000 ETH* 1000.00000000 ETH
Litecoin (LTC) 0.10000000 LTC* 10000.00000000 LTC
DashPay (DASH) 0.10000000 DASH* 10000.00000000 DASH
Dogecoin (DOGE) 50.00000000 DOGE* 2000000.00000000 DOGE
TRON (TRX) 50.000000 TRX* 2000000.000000 TRX
USDT (TRC20) (USDT) 200.00 USDT* 250000.00 USDT
USDC (TRC20) (USDC) 200.00 USDC* 250000.00 USDC
USDT (ERC20) (USDT) 200.00 USDT* 250000.00 USDT
USDC (ERC20) (USDC) 200.00 USDC* 250000.00 USDC
IMPORTANT! If you transfer an amount less than the specified minimum in this table, the funds will be lost and the platform does not guarantee the processing of such transactions. In this case, a refund will not be possible and claims will not be accepted.

Internal transfer limits (Transfer funds between LendPal users)

Currency Min Amount Max Amount
Bitcoin (BTC) 0.00001000 BTC 100.00000000 BTC
Ethereum (ETH) 0.00010000 ETH 1000.00000000 ETH
Litecoin (LTC) 0.00100000 LTC 10000.00000000 LTC
DashPay (DASH) 0.01000000 DASH 20000.00000000 DASH
Dogecoin (DOGE) 1.00000000 DOGE 2000000.00000000 DOGE
TRON (TRX) 1.000000 TRX 2000000.000000 TRX
USDT (TRC20) (USDT) 1.00 USDT 250000.00 USDT
USDC (TRC20) (USDC) 1.00 USDC 250000.00 USDC
USDT (ERC20) (USDT) 1.00 USDT 250000.00 USDT
USDC (ERC20) (USDC) 1.00 USDC 250000.00 USDC

Limits on Fund Withdrawals to External Addresses

Currency Min Amount Max Amount
Bitcoin (BTC) 0.00100000 BTC 100.00000000 BTC
Ethereum (ETH) 0.01000000 ETH 1000.00000000 ETH
Litecoin (LTC) 0.10000000 LTC 10000.00000000 LTC
DashPay (DASH) 1.00000000 DASH 10000.00000000 DASH
Dogecoin (DOGE) 100.00000000 DOGE 2000000.00000000 DOGE
TRON (TRX) 100.000000 TRX 2000000.000000 TRX
USDT (TRC20) (USDT) 200.00 USDT 250000.00 USDT
USDC (TRC20) (USDC) 200.00 USDC 250000.00 USDC
USDT (ERC20) (USDT) 200.00 USDT 250000.00 USDT
USDC (ERC20) (USDC) 200.00 USDC 250000.00 USDC

Lending Limits and Fees

Below are the limits (minimum and maximum) for issued loans and pawn restrictions. The fees charged by the platform during the loan issuance process are also listed, as well as the currencies available for loans and collateral.

Allowed for Loan Allowed for Pawn
Bitcoin BTC
Ethereum ETH
Litecoin LTC
DashPay DASH
Dogecoin DOGE

Offer Terms

Minimal Offer Time to live (TTL) 3 days
Maximal Offer Time to live (TTL) 30 days

Loan Terms

Minimal Loan Duration 7 days (1 weeks)
Maximum Loan Duration 365 days (52 weeks)

LTV (Loan-to-Value) Limitations

Minimal Allowed LTV Maximum Allowed LTV
30.000 % 80.000 %

Daily Interest Limitations

Minimal Allowed Daily Interest Maximum Allowed Daily Interest
0.05000 % daily (18.25000 % annual) 1.5000 % daily (547.5000 % annual)

Limits (Minimum and Maximum) for Issued Loan Amounts

Currency Min Amount Max Amount
USDT (TRC20) (USDT) 100.00 USDT 100000.00 usdttrc20 USDT
USDC (TRC20) (USDC) 100.00 USDC 100000.00 usdctrc20 USDC
USDT (ERC20) (USDT) 100.00 USDT 100000.00 usdterc20 USDT
USDC (ERC20) (USDC) 100.00 USDC 100000.00 usdcerc20 USDC

Limits (Minimum and Maximum) for Offered Pawn Amounts

Currency Min Amount Max Amount
Bitcoin (BTC) 0.00500000 btc BTC 5.00000000 btc BTC
Ethereum (ETH) 0.03000000 eth ETH 90.00000000 eth ETH
Litecoin (LTC) 0.50000000 ltc LTC 4200.00000000 ltc LTC
DashPay (DASH) 1.50000000 dash DASH 11000.00000000 dash DASH
Dogecoin (DOGE) 500.00000000 doge DOGE 2500000.00000000 doge DOGE
TRON (TRX) 500.00000000 trx TRX 2250000.00000000 trx TRX

Loan Market Fees, Commissions and Penalties

Operation Fee or Penalty amount, % Fee or Penalty Description
Creating a Loan Offer 0.00 % Creating a Loan Offer has a zero fee forever
Creating a Pawn Offer 0.00 % Creating a Pawn Offer has a zero fee forever
Manual cancel of Loan Offer Penalty 1.50 % If you manual cancel your Loan Offer before it TTL ends, you will be charged a penalty from the amount of the offer amount
Manual cancel of Pawn Offer Penalty 1.50 % If you manual cancel your Pawn Offer before it TTL ends, you will be charged a penalty from the amount of the offer amount
Deal Interest Fee 2.50 % Fee, charged from the interest amount
Loan Body Return Fee 0.50 % Fee, charged from the loan body, when the loan is returned
Deal Liquidation Penalty 30.00 % Penalty, charged from extra funds, when the deal is liquidated.*

Loan Calculator

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