Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
GMT +2

Beta Testing Notice

We hereby notify you of the commencement of the beta testing phase for our cryptocurrency lending platform. Please take note of the following conditions:

  • Technical Malfunctions: During the beta testing phase, technical malfunctions and disruptions may occur, which could affect the use of the platform.
  • Security: We are taking all possible measures to ensure the security of user data and funds. However, vulnerabilities may be identified during the beta testing process and will be addressed as they are discovered.
  • Feedback: Users participating in the beta testing are required to provide feedback and comments that can help improve the platform’s performance.
  • Limited Functionality: Certain features of the platform may be restricted or temporarily unavailable during the beta testing phase.
  • Use of Real Funds: Participants in the beta testing use real funds at their own risk.

Thank you for your participation and cooperation. Your contribution will help us create a reliable and secure platform for all users.


LendPal Team

Loan Calculator

Coming Soon...